Friday, May 7, 2010

What is a "blowout", and how do I fix it?

A blowout happens when the pressure on the inside of the piercing is too great, and the hole, or part of the hole twists inside out, resulting in what looks like a flap on (usually) the backside of the piercing.

Now, unless you want to have trouble with your ear later on, and have the back of your ear to look like a butt-crack, you're going to have to fix this.

1. Remove the jewelry you just put in. (Yes, it may have been half-impossible to get in, and taken forever, but if you leave it in, you'll be in more pain, and your ear will heal like that).

2.BABY IT. Don't try to stretch it again until your ear is healed, or at least to the point where it doesn't hurt anymore.

Many people recommend sea salt soaks, and they do help.. but who has the time to soak their ears for an approximate total time of 40 minutes a day?! I know I don't. Treat it like another "ouch", and (once again) USE NEOSPORIN(or another generic brand).

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